abhorrent Artists:

Shayan - Trivax
Violence VI
Hailing from Iran, the inimitable frontman and guitarist of Trivax needs little introduction. Trivax are a premier Black Metal export of the UK underground, signed to Cult Never Dies, they are a true force to be reckoned with. Among being an Artist, Fitness coach and esteemed podcaster, Shayan Plays an Abhorrent Violence VI, customised with band logo and farsi script. Check out their latest album Eloah Burns Out.
Photo by Uncle Allan Photography

Rob Scott - Yersin
Scythe VIII / Bloodthirst VIII
From the sundered lands of north-east England hail Yersin. A crushing blend of black metal, crust and hardcore punk. The bands sound is equal parts crushing and punishing. Rob plays the Scythe 8 string, a guitar designed for absolute sonic annihilation. Yersin are signed to Trepanation recordings, check their latest release out: The Scythe is Remoresless.
Photo by DKA Demon​

Giuseppe 'G Man' Cutispoto - Corpsing
Vengeance VII
Corpsing are staples of the underground London extreme metal scene, formed in 2000 after leaving former band Infestation, Giuseppe with brother Mick embarked on a mission to create absolute brutality incorporating influences from black, death and doom metal and others. Giuseppe plays the Vengeance VII, customised with laser etched band logo and custom band inlay. Catch their latest album Civilisation Under Nefarious Tyrants.

Nick Richardson - FuryBorn /
Maelstrom Aeterna
Fury VII
FuryBorn are a Melodic Death metal band haling from the south coast of England, Described as HiTech Hate by Metal Hammer magazine, these boys weaponise high tempo thrash riffs, soaring melodies and blistering lead work akin to the best of the Gothenburg scene. Nick plays his signature shape the Fury, both 7 string neckthrough's equiped with floating trems​ and Twin Legendary Zeus Pickups. Nick also plays in long standing melodeath tyrants Maelstrom Aeterna.

J.J - Adjudicator of Nought
Vengeance VI
Adjudicator of Nought is the Cambridge based Avantgarde Blackmetal project spearheaded by guitarist and mastermind J.J. A dissonant spiralling abyss of technical guitar work and choking atmosphere. Music that will truly leave you gasping for air. JJ plays a custom Vengeance VI with a distinct Charred ash body, 27 frets, H/S configuration and double locking tremolo. A true weapon of the black arts.

Sam Godding - Embodiment
Leviathan VI
Sam is the Rhythm guitarist of Bristol Based tech-death behemoths Embodiment. Fusing the filthiest breakdowns with pulverising blast beats and soaring lead work, Embodiments sound crosses the divide between oldchool and new school death metal to create a furious brew of sonic destruction. check their most recent single Dragged into Hell on Spotify. Big things coming from this band in 2025.